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*Cells are the fabric of life*. They are enormously *complex structures that form the basic unit of all living matter*. All tissues and organs are composed of cell. In humans, an estimate of 60 trillion cells interact,each performing it's specific role in an organized community. In single-celled organisms, all the functions of life are performed within the confines of one microscopic package.


There are two types of cells namely:

*Prokaryotic cell

*Eukaryotic cell

1)*PROKARYOTIC CELL:These are bacteria cells having a single,large molecule of dna not located in a membrane bound nucleus, but found in the nuclear region or nucleoid. The DNA is not completed with histone protein; and they lack membranous organelles such are mitochondria, plastids,golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum.

2*)EUKARYOTIC CELL:These cells have membrane-bound nuclei containing chromosomes composed of chromatin. The chromatin includes protein called histones and RNA,in addition to the DNA.

Eukaryotes are generally larger then prokaryotes, containing much more DNA, and usually divided by some form of mitosis. Within the cells are numerous membrane organelles, including mitochondria, golgi bodies, ribosomes, and plastids. They include all animals and plants except bacteria.

*There is no life without cells*, therefore ,*cell is life's basic unit structure and function*.