Rhyme scheme is a rhyming pattern of the each line's end word. It can be presented with different letters using the same letter for the same rhyme patterns.
It may seem confusing, but let's show it in this poem. In the first stanza, ending words for each line are know, though, here and snow. Now, when lines have the same rhyme, we mark them with the same letter. That means that rhyme scheme of the first stanza is AABA (only the third line doesn't rhyme with the others, so we mark it with another letter).
However, third line from the first stanza has the same rhyme as some lines from the second stanza (, near, year) so, again, we mark them with the same letter. Second stanza's rhyme scheme would be BBCB (again, the third line doesn't rhyme with other lines).
Similarly, rhyme scheme for the third stanza would be CCDC.
And, finally, all lines from the fourth stanza rhyme with the third stanza's third line, so rhyme scheme would be DDDD.