Answer for the question:
contributed a lot of money to charity this year (and have receipt documentation for all contributions). I’m such a nice guy! I gave $1,220 in cash to the March of Dimes. I contributed some of my old furniture to the church. It was some good stuff! I contributed a red velvet couch and my old recliner. The furniture is considered vintage and is worth $6,100 today (the appraiser surprised me!), even though I only paid $1,220 for it back in the day. When I contributed the furniture, the pastor said he didn’t like the fabric and was going to sell the furniture to pay for some more pews in the church. Oh well, some people just have no taste, right? Roca Cola had a charity drive for the United Way this year and I contributed $222. Turns out, I don’t even miss it, because Roca Cola takes it right off my paycheck every month . . . $37 a month starting in July. My pay stub verifies that I contributed the $222 to the United Way. Oh, one other bit of charity from me this year. An old buddy of mine was down on his luck. He lost his job and his house. I gave him $610 to help him out.
Is given in the attachment.