Explain why the fundamental software engineering principles of process, dependability, requirements management, and reuse are relevant to all types of software systems?

Respuesta :


1. Costs and frequency of change.

2. The most important ‘non-functional’ requirements. Different systems have different priorities for non-functional requirements.

3. The software lifetime and delivery schedule.


The process of requirement gathering is required in both generic and customized software.

• A document to define the development process is required in all type of software application.

• Updating is required in each type of software. For doing so, new version of each type of software is released.

• Maintenance is an important part of software development. It is required in each type of application development.

• Software has some minimum requirements to execute. So, platform dependability is considered in all software development.


(1) It enhances the functions and Performance of the softwares

(2) It ensures that the software meets the prescribed standards

(3) It helps to reduce wastages.


Fundamental Software engineering principles are the sets of guidelines used to enhance or guarantee the Manufacturing or improvement of softwares.

Software engineering process is a process through which the software is made, it is a fundamental principle .

Software dependability is a fundamental principle which ensures that the softwares produced are durable,and performs optimally.

Software requirements management is the process of software development or engineering that ensures that the standard requirements for making the Software is followed.

Software reuse is the process of waste and cost control in Software engineering that ensures that softwares can be reworked and reused.