A developing cell that is totipotential is capable of developing into any type of cell in the organism
Totipotent cells are the specialized cells which are capable of differentiating into many of specialized cells.
The fertilized egg or zygote is the best example of totipotency in human.
Totipotency is able to produce a full organism by differentiating the zygote cells.
Totipotent cells can form placental cells, extraembryonic or placental cells.
After the fertilization the zygote is formed which divides into identical cells that are totipotent and are able to form three germ layers as endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm. The stages of morula , blastula and trophoblast are formed. After several divisions the cells are specialized to formthe specific tissue and organs.
RNA regulation at various levels of stages play a significant role in totipotency.