A plant ‘X' has needle-like waxy leaves,plant ‘Y' has spiny leaves and a well developed root system,whereas, plant ‘Z' has ribbon like leaves with numerous air spaces in the body tissue.Identify the habitats of plants ‘X' ,'Y' and ‘Z' based on the hints provided

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Habitats of the plants:

X : winter or cold mountainous habitat

Y : desert habitat

Z:  Aquatic habitat


The X plant leave morphology suggests that thick wax coating of leaf helps it to retain water in it. Such plants are called conifers. They are not shed every year so suitable for sunlight to be captured for photosynthesis. In cold regions heavy wind happens cone like leaf is able to resist the winds and prevent it from falling. The cone like structure of leaves help them let the snowfall.

The plant Y leaves and root morphology suggests that it is well suited for dry lands or desert as where less water is there. They store water for longer time when it rains because of the extensive root system. The spine leaves help in reduced transpiration as water scarcity is there.

The plant Z leaves morphology suggests that thin and ribbon structure leaves can help them resist the pressures of flowing water as there are air space in the leaves which provide buoyancy to the leaves.