Pretend you are ready to buy a new computer for personal use. First, take a look at ads from various magazines and newspapers and list terms you don’t quite understand. Look these terms up and give a brief written explanation. Decide what factors are important in your decision as to which computer to buy and list them. After you select the system you would like to buy, identify which terms refer to hardware and which refer to software.

Respuesta :


Answer explained below


These factors are important as our decision to buy a computer


     1.Hard disk capacity  - More hard disk space, more opportunity to save larger files on the system

     2. RAM capacity  - Greater RAM space, more tasks operable and greater multitasking.

     3.Processor type - Better processor type and core, better workability

     4. Processor Speed  - Greater processor speed, faster operations

     5. Cost of the each part

     6. Type of the monitor

     7. Size of the monitor etc