Create a class named Person that holds the following fields: two String objects for the person’s first and last name and a LocalDate object for the person’s birthdate. Create a class named Couple that contains two Person objects. Create a class named Wedding for a wedding planner that includes the date of the wedding, the names of the Couple being married, and a String for the location. Provide constructors for each class that accept parameters for each field, and provide get methods for each field. Then write a program that creates two Wedding objects and in turn passes each to a method that displays all the details. Save the files as,,, and

Respuesta :



//Code for this solution


import java.time.LocalDate;

//Person class

public class Person {

//Member variables

private String firstName;

private String lastName;

private LocalDate birthDate;

//Paramterized constructors that initializes all the member variables

public Person(String fName, String lName, LocalDate bDate) {

firstName = fName;

lastName = lName;

birthDate = bDate;


//Getter methods for each of the member variables

public String getFirstName() {

return firstName;


public String getLastName() {

return lastName;


public LocalDate getBirthDate() {

return birthDate;




//Couple class

public class Couple {

//Member variables

private Person person1;

private Person person2;

//Paramterized constructors that initializes all the member variables

public Couple(Person p1, Person p2) {

person1 = p1;

person2 = p2;


//Getter methods for each of the member variables

public Person getFirstPerson() {

return person1;


public Person getSecondPerson() {

return person2;




import java.util.Date;

//Wedding class

public class Wedding {

//Member variables

private Date weddingDate;

private Couple couple;

private String location;

//Paramterized constructors that initializes all the member variables

public Wedding(Date date, Couple c, String wedLocation) {

weddingDate = date;

couple = c;

location = wedLocation;


//Getter methods for each of the member variables

public Date getWeddingDate() {

return weddingDate;


public Couple getCouple() {

return couple;


public String getLocation() {

return location;




import java.text.ParseException;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.time.LocalDate;

import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

//Test driver class

public class TestWedding {

private static SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

//Method to display Wedding details - Couple, Location and Wedding date

public static void displayWedding(Wedding w) {


System.out.println("=== Wedding details ===");

Person p1 = w.getCouple().getFirstPerson();

Person p2 = w.getCouple().getSecondPerson();

System.out.println(p1.getFirstName() + " " + p2.getLastName() + "(born " + p1.getBirthDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE) + ")"

+ " weds " + p2.getFirstName() + " " + p2.getLastName() + "(born " + p2.getBirthDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE) + ")");


System.out.println( simpleDateFormat.format( w.getWeddingDate()));




//Test method - to create Person, Couple and Wedding objects

public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {

//Create Person objects

Person p10 = new Person("John", "Howard", LocalDate.of(2000, 10, 1));

Person p11 = new Person("Mary", "Eliza", LocalDate.of(2002, 1, 2));

//Create Couple object with above data

Couple c1 = new Couple(p10, p11);

//Create Wedding Object

Wedding w1 = new Wedding( simpleDateFormat.parse("2019-05-06"), c1, "CountrySide");

//Display Wedding details


Person p20 = new Person("James", "Howler", LocalDate.of(1999, 5, 1));

Person p21 = new Person("Jenny", "Hertz", LocalDate.of(2005, 4, 25));

Couple c2 = new Couple(p20, p21);

Wedding w2 = new Wedding(simpleDateFormat.parse("2019-10-02"), c2, "Mary Islands");




In this exercise we have to use the knowledge of computational language in JAVA to write the code.

This code can be found in the attached image.

To make it simpler the code is described as:

import java.time.LocalDate;

public class Person {

private String firstName;

private String lastName;

private LocalDate birthDate;

public Person(String fName, String lName, LocalDate bDate) {

firstName = fName;

lastName = lName;

birthDate = bDate;


public String getFirstName() {

return firstName;


public String getLastName() {

return lastName;


public LocalDate getBirthDate() {

return birthDate;



public class Couple {

private Person person1;

private Person person2;

public Couple(Person p1, Person p2) {

person1 = p1;

person2 = p2;


public Person getFirstPerson() {

return person1;


public Person getSecondPerson() {

return person2;



import java.util.Date;

public class Wedding {

private Date weddingDate;

private Couple couple;

private String location;

public Wedding(Date date, Couple c, String wedLocation) {

weddingDate = date;

couple = c;

location = wedLocation;


public Date getWeddingDate() {

return weddingDate;


public Couple getCouple() {

return couple;


public String getLocation() {

return location;



import java.text.ParseException;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import java.time.LocalDate;

import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

public class TestWedding {

private static SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

public static void displayWedding(Wedding w) {


System.out.println("=== Wedding details ===");

Person p1 = w.getCouple().getFirstPerson();

Person p2 = w.getCouple().getSecondPerson();

System.out.println(p1.getFirstName() + " " + p2.getLastName() + "(born " + p1.getBirthDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE) + ")"

+ " weds " + p2.getFirstName() + " " + p2.getLastName() + "(born " + p2.getBirthDate().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE) + ")");


System.out.println( simpleDateFormat.format( w.getWeddingDate()));




public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException {

Person p10 = new Person("John", "Howard", LocalDate.of(2000, 10, 1));

Person p11 = new Person("Mary", "Eliza", LocalDate.of(2002, 1, 2));

Couple c1 = new Couple(p10, p11);

Wedding w1 = new Wedding( simpleDateFormat.parse("2019-05-06"), c1, "CountrySide");


Person p20 = new Person("James", "Howler", LocalDate.of(1999, 5, 1));

Person p21 = new Person("Jenny", "Hertz", LocalDate.of(2005, 4, 25));

Couple c2 = new Couple(p20, p21);

Wedding w2 = new Wedding(simpleDateFormat.parse("2019-10-02"), c2, "Mary Islands");




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