Many believe that adolescence is a period of heightened emotional and psychological agitation. G. Stanley Hall coined the term Storm and Stress when describing this perceived phenomenon. J.J. Arnett responded to this view in his article Storm and Stress Reconsidered (1999). Please write an essay, reviewing both G Stanley Hall's position, as well as J.J. Arnett's position on the topic. Your essay will include a history of the storm and stress view, an examination of 3 key aspects of this view, the role that individual

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More than a century age G. Stanley Hall(1904) wrote two volumes on adolescence and viewed this time of life as a period of stress and storm, which is biologically and inherently inscribed in each child. He describes this period as universal, a time of transition from childhood to adulthood that makes them uncomfortable, more experimental and exploitative. Hall defines stress and storm as a difficult phase of life for both, the adolescents as well as the people around them and this period encompasses three key aspects, namely; conflict with parents, mood disruptions and risk behavior. Conflict with parents is most widely accepted and talked about issue even today. It is characterized as increasing arguments with parents or authority over the most basic rules or topics like curfews or dating choices. Mood disruptions meaning that adolescents often experience extreme moods and more mood swings as compared to any other age group. Even the latest research on the mood disruptions of adolescents prove the statements made by Hall- : “Suspicion of being disliked by friends, of having faults of person or character that can not be overcome, the fancy of. . .hopeless love” (1904, vol. 2, p. 78). The last element of risk behavior that was reported then can also be observed in the 21st century with adolescents indulging in drugs, drinking or other forms of reckless behavior. This increase in risky behavior sometimes lead to heightened conflict with parents and other authority figures. The key elements of Hall concept have stayed strong and proven valid in today’s day and time as well. Hall should be credited for his far-sightedness and impeccable skills for deduction. Even though some concepts like Hall’s discussion do not hold any significance in this time and date. JJ Arnett’s article adolescent stress and storm, reconsidered (1999) evaluates the concepts given by Hall and distinguished between the similarities and differences that exits. He redefines stress and storm in lines of the current generations and the world which has been through war, globalization, consumerism and many more changes. Arnett criticizes Hall’s explanation of sexuality, in particular masturbation and premarital sex, as strongly influenced by the Victorian era in which he wrote his work. Arnett also emphasizes on the individual difference as well as the cultural differences that exits between the west and east and how the disparity between the cultural differences has reduced due to increasing westernization and globalization.

To conclude we can say that Hall’s contribution to the field of adolescence psychology is crucial with many concepts still validated to the current world and era but at the same time the differences that exit are also very prominent and reveal the influence of Victorian era were repression of desires was expected from all. However, Arnett’s review is more relatable and applicable to us and it keeps in view the adolescents of the current generation where stress and storm need to be redefined according to the 21st century. Hall is to be credited for beginning the march but Arnett has helped in keeping it going further.