Which of the following does not pertain to helminths? A. Often alternate hosts in complex life cycles In kingdom B. Protista Eggs and sperm used for reproduction C. Have various organ systems D. Parasitic worms

Respuesta :

Answer:B. Protista eggs and sperm

Explanation: helminths are parasitic worms that inhabits the intestinal tract of humans; they live within the host and have attachment organs which enable them to reside within their host; examples include: roundworms (Nematodes), tapeworms ( Cestodes) and flukes( Trematodes)

Answer: B. Protista Eggs and sperm used for reproduction.

Explanation: All helminths have eggs (ova) for reproduction. They can be either hermaphroditic (possess both sex organs), example tapeworms or have their sex organs differentiated, like the roundworms.

Helminths are parasitic worms, they infest their host tissues. They mostly alternate host in different stages/phases of life.