write a c++ program that reads from the user a positive integer (in a decimal representation), and prints its binary (base 2) representation. Your program should interact with the user exactly as it shows in the following example: Enter decimal number: 76 The binary representation of 76 is 1001100

Respuesta :


The program to this question can be described as follows:


#include <iostream> //defining header file

using namespace std;

int main() //defining main method


int x1,rem,i=1; //defining integer variable

long Num=0;// defining long variable

cout << "Input a decimal number: "; // print message

cin >> x1; //input value by user

while (x1!=0) //loop for calculate binary number


//calculating binary value    

rem= x1%2;


Num =Num +rem*i;//holding calculate value



cout <<Num;//print value

return 0;



Input a decimal number: 76



In the above code, four variable "x1, rem, i, and Num" is declared, in which three "x1, rem, and i" is an integer variable, and one "Num" is a long variable.

  • In the x1 variable, we take input by the user and use the while loop to calculate its binary number.
  • In the loop, first, we check x1 variable value is not equal to 0, inside we calculate it binary number that store in long "Num" variable, after calculating its binary number the print method "cout" is used to prints its value.