Natural body scents that may affect the behavior of others, including aggressive and/or sexual behaviors are called _____

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These are  chemical compounds  in  insects and mammals that  once released and transported by diffusion are capable of eliciting social response  among  organisms of the same species.  Their  release usually   induced a significant  effects  on  both  the  physiological  and  behavioural  response in the recipients with no intermediate effects. Therefore, they are usually  categorized based on the type of responses they produced in the receiving  organisms.

Examples include, responses for territoriality, to trial  paths, to raise alarm, for sex etc.

Based on this they may produce aggressive behaviours thus known as alert pheromones, sexual display( sex-pheromones) etc, specifically, The behavioural  triggered pheromones are known as Releasers , while physiological induced pheromones are known as Primers

Their locations varies , in animals the secretory glands  can be found around the anus, under the  skin deposits,  close to the eyes, chin patches etc.

Their  chemical  structure is made up of  unsaturated esters,aldehyde, and alcohols.