By clearing the land, the Bantu had the option to cultivate more harvests, including bananas, which had originated from Asia. The Bantu spread their traditions and conventions as they moved all through Africa.
The Bantu-talking people groups relocated from Western Africa close to cutting edge Nigeria southward and eastbound, spreading out over the entirety of the southern parts of the African mainland. This relocation began at around 1000 B.C.E. furthermore, finished at around 1700 A.D. in spite of the fact that that date is still in debate.
They were probably spread across Central, Eastern and Southern Africa in the alleged Bantu extension, quick scattering during the first thousand years BC, in one wave moving over the Congo bowl towards East Africa, in another moving south along the African coast and the Congo River framework towards Angola. The Bantu movement affected sub-Saharan Africa from numerous points of view. One way was the spread of the Bantu language.