Define the function add_mn that takes two integers m, n as arguments and returns m + 10 * n. For instance, add_mn 3 5 = 3 + 10*5 = 53. You are, however, not allowed to use addition and multiplication directly: instead, you must write a recursive solution that calls add10!

Respuesta :


// C++ Program to arithmetic operationf on 2 Numbers using Recursion

// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// add10 recursive function to perform arithmetic operations

int add10(int m, int n)


return (m + product(n, 10)); //Result of m + n * 10

return 0;


// Main Methods Starts here

int main()


int m, n; // 2 Variables m and n declared as integer

cin>>m; // accept input for m

cin>>n; // accept input for n

cout << "Result : "<<add10(m,n); // Print results which is calculated by m + 10 * n

return 0;
