My friend was recently diagnosed with depression. She told me “I just want to be happy is that too much to ask for?” “I hate that I hate myself, it also affects my lover”. I hate seeing her cry all the time. She had also, recently got back together as friends with her best friend and she sent an apology letter to him for what mistakes she made. She’s been falling apart because she lost the bond they once had as best friends. I know she’s hurting and I just want to give her the best advice. Do you guys have any genuine advice I should give her?

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Well. I have been in a situation like this except it was about the girl I liked instead of my friend. Hmm..... Well option A is to find someone else which is poor advice and in this case is hard to do or she can ask her friend on a date or something unless she already has a boyfriend. But if this is her old boyfriend their is still time.

But if their just friends then tell her to act the same way she was when they were best friends and that it may take a while.