Assume that you borrowed money from your grandmother to attend college. Your deal with her is that you will pay her $1,000 per year for the next ten years with the first payment occurring at the end of this year. If your discount rate is 5%, what is the present value of these ten payments?

Respuesta :


PV= $7,721.73


Giving the following information:

Your deal with her is that you will pay her $1,000 per year for the next ten years with the first payment occurring at the end of this year. If your discount rate is 5%.

To calculate the present value we need to use the following formula:

NPV= ∑[Cf/(1+i)^n]

For example:

Year 4= 1,000/1.05^4 822.70

Year 8= 1,000/1.05^8= 676.84

NPV= $7,721.73