Indicate whether each of the following descriptions better applies to a centromere (C), a telomere (T), or an origin of replication (O). Your answer would be a six-letter string composed of letters C, T, and O only, e.g. TTCCTO.

( ) Each eukaryotic chromosome has many such sequences.
( ) There are normally two such sequences in each eukaryotic chromosomal DNA molecule.
( )There is normally one such sequence per eukaryotic chromosomal DNA molecule.
() It is where DNA duplication starts in S phase.
( ) It attaches the chromosome to the mitotic spindle via the kinetochore structure.
() It contains repeated sequences at the ends of the chromosomes.

Respuesta :




Each eukaryotic chromosome usually has repeated telomere sequences ranging from 2 to as many as 2000.

There is normally just one specialized DNA sequence called the centromere per eukaryotic chromosomal DNA molecule.

The origin of replication is the site where DNA duplication starts in S phase.

The centromere attaches the chromosome to the mitotic spindle via the kinetochore structure.

Teleomere contains repeateted sequences at the ends of the chromosomes.