Louis Jordan, singer of the jump blues hit Caledonia, spent many years touring behind some of the best performers in the States. His first professional job was playing clarinet for The Rabbit Foot Minstrels, a band who at times backed famous blues singers such as:_______.

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The Rabbit Foot was a band based in Port Gibson under the owner F.S Wolcott. Founded in 1900, it had a great importance in the spread of the blues with the members Gertrude "Ma" Rainey, Ida Cox, Louis Jordan, and Rufus Thomas and besides supporting several other famous blues singers like: Big Joe Williams, Sid Hemphill, Willie Nix , Maxwell Street Jimmy, Jim Jackson, Bogus Ben Covington, Dwight "Gatemouth" Moore, Johnny "Daddy Stovepipe" Watson and trombonist Leon "Pee Wee" Whittaker.
