A concept map of evolution. Darwin's theory of evolution is biology's core theme that accounts for life's unity seen in DNA and common genetic code and target A seen in three domains and many kingdoms. The theory of evolution proposes a mechanism labeled as target B that is based on two observations and two interferences. Two observations are overproduction of offspring and target E. Two interferences are target F and target G. Feature of individuals labeled as target F best suited to the environment that leads to gradual accumulation of target G. The theory of evolution states that target C represents descendants of target D."

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The basic idea of biological evolution is that populations and species of organisms change over time.


Today, when we think of evolution, we tend to relate this idea to a person: the British naturalist Charles Darwin. In the 1850s, Darwin wrote a controversial and influential book called "The Origin of Species". In it, he proposed that species evolve and that all living things can trace their ancestry to a common ancestor. Darwin also suggested a mechanism for evolution: natural selection, in which inheritable traits that help an organism survive and reproduce, become more common in a population over time.