Respuesta :
-6 different methods/variables
Step-by-step explanation:
First of all, the 12 groups will be divided into 6 different methods, as the variables are 6:
1.- Feedback before the assignment and verbal presentation.
2.- Feedback before the assignment and written handout.
3.- Feedback before the assignment and summary.
4.- Feedback after the assignment and verbal presentation.
5.- Feedback after the assignment and written handout.
6.-Feedback after the assignment and summary.
Each group will work with the variable chosen.
The other variables can becover with the fact that each group has its own diversity (different types of student´s personalities)
The teacher will work with each group in the same topic with its different types of assignments and feedbacks and at the end, she will test each student and make an average score of each of the groups, which she will compare and the highest score will be the one she will be using for all the students.
Also, she could use the 3 top variables with the students in order to have diversity in her activities.
Is it possible to use simple random assignment of all students? It is possible, but harder to analize, so is better to have groups already assigned.