Respuesta :
1. oil = condiments
3. tuna= pescados y mariscos
4. sugar= condiment
5. banana= frutas
6. poultry
7. shrimp= pescados y mariscos
8. onion= verduras
10. poultry
11. verduras
12. poultry
13. ham= poultry
15. dairy
16. verdura
17 verdura
18. flour
19. butter
1. aceite: condimentos
2. arvejas: verduras
3. atún: pescados
4. azúcar: condimentos
5. bananas: frutas
6. bistec: carnes y aves
7. camarones: mariscos
8. cebollas: verduras
9. champiñones: verduras
10. chuletas de cerdo: carnes
11. espárragos: verduras
12. hamburguesas: carnes
13. jamón: carnes
14. langosta: mariscos
15. leche: productos lácteos
16. lechuga: verduras
17. limones: frutas
18. maíz: verduras
19. mantequilla: productos lácteos
20. manzanas: frutas
21. mayonesa: condimentos
22. melocotones: frutas
23. naranjas: frutas
24. papas: verduras
25. peras: frutas
26. pimienta: condimentos
27. pollo: aves
28. queso: productos lácteos
29. sal: condimentos
30. salchichas: carnes
31. salmón: mariscos
32. uvas: frutas
33. vinagre: condimentos
34. yogur: productos lácteos
35. zanahorias: verduras
Condimentos: A substance that is added to the food to give it more flavor or make it more tasty.
Vegetales: Vegetable that is grown especially to take advantage of the leaves and tender stems and inflorescences, and that is eaten fresh in salad or also cooked.
Pescados y mariscos: and they mean fish, marine or freshwater vertebrate animals, fresh or preserved by various procedures, and that man has been using as food since ancient times. They are obtained by various fishing procedures and include: Fish or fish, Molluscs, Crustaceans, Cetaceans
Frutas: Edible fruit of certain plants and trees, especially when it has a lot of water and is sweet in taste.
Carnes y aves: The most frequent use refers to the edible meat of land animals such as cow, pig, lamb, and sometimes birds.
Productos lácteos: The concept of dairy is used in our language to designate those products made from or derived from milk, such as cheese, yogurt, butter, milk cream