Answer: B: patient's individual needs should always come before those of the health care organization
Orlando's Deliberative Nursing Process theory was propounded by Ida Jean Orlando. This theory allows the nurses to provide their independent role of patient care. She stated that the role of the nurse is to identify the needs of patient, collaborate with the patient to draw up a specific nursing care plan.
The interaction between the patient and the nurse is important for the outcome of help rendered.
She also stated that the behavior of the patient could amount to the need for a help.
The major concepts of the theory includes:
1. Person: Orlando stated that every individual has a unique and dynamic patient-nurse relationship. The focus of nursing practice is helping human in need.
2. Health: she also explained that health is replaced by a sense of helplessness of which the role of the nurse is necessitated.
3. Nursing: Orlando stated that nursing is unique and independent in their approach to individual's need for help. The primary role of the nurse is to help individual's immediate need in an interactive situation in a learned manner the requires proper training.
Stages of Deliberative nursing process
1. Assessment
3. Planning
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation.
Hint: it can be remembered with the acronym ADPIE.