Respuesta :
Each of three subtopics of this essay can be worked out from the following ideas:
- Living your life with integrity, means to be honest and morally consistent in your decisions, choices and opinions. You should not lie, you should try being as transparent as possible. It is important not starts lying even about small thing that might look trivial. If you develop a habit of lying about small things, like your grades, it will become easier to lie about bigger things, like cheating to your boyfriend or girlfriend. As well as trying to always tell the truth, you should be consistent with other moral principles even during tough periods of your life. For example, not to hurt other people, not to steal, not to succeed under expanse of others great suffering.
- Losing with dignity means accepting failure calmly, learning from it and being worthy of respect from others. Failure can be really hurtful and make you emotional regardless of your age. It is easy to start blaming other people for your failures. Meanwhile, if you dare to do anything you will experience failure all the time. Every great achiever went through numerous failures and loses. Think of what Micheal Jordan have said: ‘I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.’ So the sooner you will start learning to accept failure and lose in a healthy way, to learn and let go, the sooner you will develop dignity.
- Winning with humility means remembering that you are still only human and not perfect. That you still have disadvantages and many things to improve. As well as with failure, it is easy to get emotional about your winning and start being arrogant towards others. When you win you can take a minute of pride, but do not start behaving like you are better than everyone else. Because you are not. You might have been better in this particular thing (for example, a football game) at this given moment, but it does not make you the best forever.