Respuesta :
cout<<"''<<user_word<<"' "<<user_number;
The above question was answered using C++ programming language.
The keyword cout represents print and it carries out print operation only.
It prints all variable in front of it.
Assume the values of user_word and user_number to be Charles and 20, respectively.
The output of the above instruction would be
'Charles' 20 just as it is in the sample output in the question.
In java programming language, it is
System.out.print("'"+user_word+"' "+user_number);
In Qbasic, it is
PRINT "'"+user_word+"' "+ user_number
The first expression, {user_word}, is replaced with the name variable.
The second expression, {user_number}, is replaced with the value of the number amount.
Then between will be words you need or in this case a , .