P2V personal computer to the virtual machine is migration is common nowadays
V2P:- virtual to a personal computer is cost-effective but we need to carry the personal computer such as a laptop or workstation. Moreover, office 365 and other software licenses have to brought and it is very costly.
P2P:- personal computer to personal computer we need to carry hardware and everyday hardware as improvement and development soon or later all hardware such as a laptop is outdated and frequently we need to change the laptop and frequent update of operating system patches and anti-virus and period license renewal has to take care of end-user.
P2V;- personal computer to the virtual machine, where no need to carry any hardware such as a laptop or personal computer and just get the end-user personal computer internet connectivity and login to the virtual machine and do the required work.
Moreover no need to pay for the license and operating system patches and update which will be taken care of by service providers
V2V ;- it is virtual machine to virtual machine just changing the service provider