In the mid-seventeenth century Kalachand Vidyalankar, a follower of Chaitanya, made his preachings popular initiated with 'Pankti Bhojon' and Krishna sankirtan in the eastern parts of Bengal.
Bhakti's thoughts have roused numerous famous messages and holy person artists in India. The Bhakti development began in the south of India in the 6th century and bit by bit spread to the remainder of the subcontinent. The Bhagavata Purana, for instance, is a Krishna-related content related to the Bhakti development in Hinduism.
Kalachand Vidyalankar went all through India advancing the good news of hostile to distance, social equity, and mass training. Furthermore, they lectured Krishna sankirtan in the eastern pieces of Bengal. Their thoughts and practices roused bhakti verse and commitment all through India over the old centuries.