Respuesta :
Sublimation - We expend energy on prosocial activities in order to avoid participating in undesirable activities.
Denial - We refuse to perceive "reality" in order to protect ourselves from it.
Projection - We put our own unacceptable feelings or behaviors onto other people.
Repression - We avoid painful thoughts by forcing them into the back of our mind.
Rationalization - We try to create logical explanations of our behavior in order to justify it.
Reaction Formation - We express feelings that are opposite to the undesirable ones we really feel.
Regression - We retreat to behaving or thinking like a child in order to avoid adult issues.
Displacement - We vent our anger against people or objects that are not dangerous to us.
Answer: A. sublimation, B. denial, C. projection, D. repression, E. rationalization, F. reaction, G. regression, H.displacement