This transition from the largely nomadic hunter-gatherer way of life that predominated in human pre-history to more agrarian-based settlements seems to come about with the domestication of various plant and animal species.
There are a number of theories as to why this happened or what caused the transition. One strong argument is demographic in focus and suggests that groups of hunter-gatherers grew to the point where the carrying capacity of the local environment was not enough. These communities started to require more food than could be gathered and this led to horticultural and later agricultural practices. Other theories stress more the technological side of the transition in the sense that we developed the knowledge to domesticate more species of plants and more species of animals and this led to the development of agriculture and the transition immediate return to delayed return social systems. It is still under investigation and debate and archaeologically the first development of sedentary communities is tied to the Fertile Crescent, the Levant, and Mesopotamia.