As a child, Doona, who displayed an inhibited personality, overreacted to new situations by crying.

When Joseph was young, his father would periodically exhibit extremely elevated moods and take Joseph on long, wild road trips. After returning home from these binges, his father was exhausted for extended periods of time.

Within a few years, Joan’s oldest son, her father, and her husband all died. Megan stepped on a beehive and got stung all of ________.

Respuesta :



Each of these statements illustrates a different disorder.

1) Doona seems to be exhibiting Social Anxiety, since she is overreacting to new situations, most likely because she is afraid of being judged and feels awkward in social events.

2) Joseph's father seems to be exhibiting Bipolar 1 which is characterized by drastic mood swings with very high ups and very low lows in emotion.

3) Joan is experiencing Depression which is an intense emotional and physical sadness. Which is common when dealing with loss, especially a large quantity of loss like Joan.

4) Megan seems to have a phobia with beehives. A phobia is a increased fear of something, usually caused by bad experiences.