Which of these statements about financial aid are true? Select all that apply. Most student loans from the government have a lower interest rate than other types of loans. If you receive a grant, you cannot also get a scholarship. The FAFSA helps the government determine how much financial aid you need. Work-study programs provide job experience, but no pay. Money from scholarships must be paid back. The FAFSA is available on paper and online.

Respuesta :

1, 3, & 6 are the correct answers

True statements about financial aid are :

  • The Most of the student loans from the government have the a lower interest rate than other type of loans.
  • The FAFSA helps in the government determine how much the financial aid you need.
  • The FAFSA is available on paper and online.

What is a financial aid ?

The financial aid is the money that is gives to those that need money to pay their career or college fees and a variety of them are available in the make such s those given by the government to the student as loans.

They also include the FAFSA that the government helps to determine the eligibility for the aid. The FSFSA is available on paper and online mode.

Find out more information about the financial aid.
