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Rome built its empire by paving roads, Roman roads;
The United States uses the Internet fast track to spread its culture, ideas and values ​​as an imperialist nation.
The colonialism of Rome has become colossal.
To build an empire, Rome dominated the Mediterranean.
The vast conquered territories represented strategic, military, and economic advantages.
The legions of the empire reached Egypt, Greece, Spain, Britain, Gaul, Syria, Mauritania and the ends of the world.
Julius Caesar boasted that he had killed a million Gauls.
Paul Kennedy, author of The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, says the American pioneers also had a conquering spirit.
They arrived from England to Virginia and advanced west. They fought the Cherokee, the Iroquois and the Sioux, among others. Although many pioneers are evading the restrictions of British imperialism, the new country has adopted a program of imperialist expansion. Later, after taking over a large territory of Mexico, including Texas, the Americans abandoned the territorial conquest. But interventions in other countries continued.
Today, US military bases are in about 40 countries worldwide. Somehow these bases play the role of past colonies. According to the Pentagon, there is a large or small US military presence in 132 of the 190 UN members.