
Match the terms to their definition
1. atrophy
2. deconditioning/detraining
3. duration
the tendency of a muscle to
become larger and stronger through use
how often you exercise
refers to the loss of fitness that
occurs when you stop training
the amount of overload placed on
the muscles, and/or the body in general,
in any specific exercise
the tendency of a muscle to
become smaller and weaker through
lack of use (disuse)
4. frequency
5. hypertrophy
6. intensity
increasing the physical demands
placed on the body
the length of time an exercise or
exercise session lasts
7. overload

Respuesta :


1. atrophy - the tendency of a muscle to become smaller and weaker through

lack of use (disuse)

2. deconditioning/detraining - occurs when you stop training the amount of overload placed on the muscles, and/or the body in general, in any specific exercise

3. duration - the length of time an exercise or exercise session lasts

4. Frequency - how often you exercise

5. Hypertrophy - the tendency of a muscle to become larger and stronger through use

6. Intensity - increasing the physical demands placed on the body


Atrophy and Hypertrophy

Atrophy and hypertrophy are opposite of each other. Atrophy is characterized by the decrease in muscle mass. This often happens when the muscle is not used (like when someone who lost function of their legs). Hypertrophy on the other hand is the increase in muscle mass. The cells that make up the muscle increases in size (not increase in numbers).

Intensity, duration and frequency

These are characteristics of exercise. Frequency is basically how often o how many times you exercise (e.g. 3 times a week). Duration refers to how long each exercise session you do (e.g. 30 minutes, 45 minutes). Intensity refers to the effort you put into the exercise. The combination of these three can determine the how much you can get out of an exercise routine.

Deconditioning/ detraining:

In the fitness world, it is defined as the loss of the adaptations your body had developed through exercise because you stopped training or conditioning your body.