The Ögure shows a piping system. Water áows upward and to the right (from A to B) in the 4-inch-diameter pipe. The pipe exits to the atmosphere at B. There is a clamp at point A that holds the pipe in place. Point B is 10 feet above and 10 feet to the right of point A. Note that patm = 2116 lb/ft2 and H2O = 1:94 slugs/ft3 . Figure for problem 5. (a) A meter at point A reads VA = 20 ft/s. Find the velocity at B and the pressure at A if viscous e§ects can be neglected. (b) For the same meter reading as in (a), Önd the velodity at B and the pressure at A if viscous e§ects cannot be neglected. (You may approximate pipe lengths based on the information given.) The pipe is galvanized iron with a standard roughness height of 0.0005 ft. (c) Find the reaction force due to the water áow at the clamp at point A assuming there is no other support for the pipe. Use the partial results from (b) to Önd the force. (You may neglect the weight of the pipe.)