Japanese Culture during Tokugawa Shogunate
Japanese culture flourished under Tokugawa Shogunate mainly focused on entertainment for people. The entertainment mainly consists of art, literature and drama. People in cities got engaged in reading fiction, particularly realistic stories dealing with merchants or their hardships. But the highlight of the period was people's liking for haiku, a form of poetry consisting of 3-line verse of 5-7-5 syllable. Haiku contained images, not the ideas. For mass entertainment, there kabuki theater. Kabuki was a colorful presentation of drama in which actors used to wear special costumes. Like Elizabethan masque, Kabuki contained music, dance, postures and mime. The story line was about modern life, and about historical events. Interestingly, albeit Kabuki was created by a woman, all roles, both male and female, are performed by men.