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The people and things around us have an effect on our well-being.

Knowing how to modify a harmful context is a good option to live better. We all exert an influence on our closest environment. But it is a bi-directional, double-influence relationship. Typically, people appeal to their willpower to perform more. But the environment is like a lever on which we can work to achieve more results with less effort. The contexts in which we move can be great allies or great enemies. Let's see what they are, how they affect and which are the best to strengthen ourselves personally and professionally. They can be grouped into three categories:

Materials. The places where people live and work, the neighborhood and the neighborhood, technology, cars or household goods.

Personal. Family, couple, friends, coworkers, acquaintances, contact in social networks, schedules and habits.

Mental. Beliefs, paradigms, training and information, religion or conditioning. All these circumstances can play for or against one, be an engine that propels our life or an anchor that sinks it. An environment collaborates or competes. Inspire or depress. Nourishes or poisons. Obviously there are also neutral environments, but for that same reason we must avoid them as much as those that harm us. It is not possible to do without the environments, but choose them carefully taking into account their effects.

The material and personal environments are visible and evident, although perhaps not their effects. Others are more subtle, but so influential. Everything influences everything and no one can isolate himself from the immediate context without receiving his influence from him.

Delegating in the environment means not trying to do everything for yourself, but taking advantage of external positive influences to reinforce.

The place where a person lives exerts a huge influence on him: he gives energy or takes it away. Surely a small tidy apartment, decorated in a minimalist way and with abundant light is enough to nourish those who live in it. It is not a matter of money, property or luxury. It is a matter of anything that comes into the house is highly appreciated and is consistent with the rest of the objects and the person who lives in the house. Having fewer things means having more space and more mental clarity. Light and order exert an influence on the mind. Getting rid of unused items is a priority, and occasionally changing the arrangement of furniture at home is a very motivating diversion.

Light and views from the windows are as much or more important than the house itself or its surface. Choosing the environment where one is going to spend his life counts a lot, but, unfortunately, when people buy or rent an apartment they look at the meters, the price or the services before the tranquility, the light, the views or the absence of mobile phone repeaters. What is outside the home is as important as what is inside.

The place where you work and where you spend so many hours a day is also important. It influences work performance and people's happiness. Many times one lacks the ability to change it, as the offices or facilities are what they are. But we can often influence them in some way; and if not, it is always in our hands to leave a job whose environment is unhealthy, harmful, annoying, unpleasant, toxic, uncomfortable or demotivating. That is, if we cannot change a gray work environment, we can always change jobs. A salary does not justify everything. As in the previous case of the apartment, many times we are wrong to value more the salary, the vacations, the promotions or the proximity that the work environment itself.

The most beneficial people in the personal environment are those who smile, do not complain, do not feel victims of anything, are self-motivated, are positive, strive, live in coherence, inspire peace and kindness, learn and form. In short, those with a winning mentality. Connecting with positive people is a recipe for happiness that is not always taken into account.

Many times, the people we have not chosen, but who are part of our circles (political family, co-workers or neighbors), seem an imposition impossible to avoid. We may not be able to decide if they are part of our life, but we do have the ability to minimize their effect, and even avoid their treatment if their influence is very negative.