1. What kind of prompt is this?
Literary Analysis
2. What motif do you think you might like to write about?
❏ Light versus dark (This one)
❏ HIgh versus low
❏ Dream versus sleep (This one
❏ Love versus hate (This one)
❏ Youth versus age
❏ Time
❏ Stars (This one)
❏ Fate
❏ Poison
❏ Religious imagery
❏ Haste
❏ ________________________
3. What are some examples of “patterns or contrasts in language”?
Steak and Salad, Salt and Pepper, Table and Chairs, Hero’s,’ and Villains
4. What is a central idea of the play?
Romantic love, specifically intense passion that springs up at the first sight between the lovers Romeo and Juliet.
Grade 9: Romeo and Juliet
Activity 2: Writing a Thesis Statement
Use the template below to write a working thesis statement.
The motif of ________________________ in The Tragedy of Romeo and Julietis developed by ___________________
[motifpattern or contrast] [pattern of language]
and ___________________________ to _____________________________ how ________________________
[pattern of language] [rhetorically accurate verb]
[thematic statement]