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Astrocytes or astroglia Controls the chemical environment around neurons in the cns

Neuroglia, are non-neuronal cells within the CNS that maintain homeostasis. One type of Neuroglia, Astrocytes or astroglia, are star-shaped branching cells covering capillaries. Apart from acting as anchors and support for neurons, they aid in the regulation of the neuronal chemical environment ; they mediate exchanges between capillaries and neurons and lead to the removal of ions and recycle neurotransmitters.  

Further Explanation:

The nervous system is subdivided into; the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain and spinal cord, within the vertebral column; and the peripheral nervous system, which includes nerves that branch into the rest of the body from the brain and spinal cord. Nervous tissue responds to electrical impulses, allowing for communication between different regions of the body. The PNS connects to muscles and other organs and tissues like glands in the endocrine system. Together the nervous system, the PNS plays a role in the dissemination of information throughout the body and mediates our response to stimuli. Neurons have unique structures which aid in facilitating communication by sending and receiving electrical signals very efficient. Parts of a neuron are separated into the

  • dendrites which receive messages from other neurons allowing them to pass and some of the cell body which contains typical cell components like the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.
  • The axon is an insulated (by the myelin sheath) tubular structure which acts as a bridge to price impulses to other neurons these also contain axon hillocks which are junctions between the axon and cell body
  • Synapses are junctions where axons connect to dendrites of other neurons at these junctions chemical reactions occur in order to facilitate the passage of information as chemical signals.
  • There are several neuron types which include sensory motor and into neurons which bridge the two.

Non-neuronal glial cells  mediate homeostasis within the CNS, maintaining the chemical environment around the neurons.

Learn more about the autonomic nervous system at

Learn more about neurotransmitters at

Learn more about homeostasis at
