Read the following paragraphs carefully to see whether or not they create a mood.
My name is Trinius. I don't really know why I followed the crowd up this hill. I watched as they yelled, "Crucify Him!" at His trial. I knew He was an innocent man.
I couldn't choke back the tears as I watched Him carry that heavy cross. They had already beaten Him so badly you couldn't recognize Him. When He stumbled, and the cross fell on Him, I wept openly. And yet, as He looked at me, there was no hate in His eyes!
I stood afar off, but my heart was heavy as I listened to the nails being pounded into the cross!
Do the paragraphs above create a mood? If so, what kind of mood do they create? Type an answer describing what kind of mood is created. Use at least one example from the paragraph to demonstrate the mood. If no mood is created, type No mood is created.