To keep the checksum length minimum ,checksum field should be a 4x4 matrix with two dimensional even parity bit.
For this purpose first create a matrix of RxC dimensions and add one even parity bit at the end of each row and column.
parity bit is sort of a check flag used to detect errors in binary data.Error detection is done by adding total number of 1's in the binary sequence.
There are two types of parity bits
For even parity if total number of 1 is even parity bit for that sequence would be (0).
For even parity if total number of 1 is odd parity bit for that sequence would be (1)
For odd parity if total number of 1 is odd parity bit for that sequence would be (0)
For odd parity if total number of 1 is even parity bit for that sequence would be (1)