1. Trátenla amablemente. 2. pedírselo. 3. contratarlo. 4, ponerla. 5. servírselas. 6. organizarlas.
1. Trátenla. The direct object for (a la policía) is la, as "police" is singular in Spanish.
2. Pedírselo. When using direct and indirect object together, the indirect object pronoun "le" changes to "se" and comes first in the sentence.
3. Contratarlo. The direct object for the music band is "lo".
4. Ponerla. The direct object for the music is "la" as it is a femenine noun.
5. Servírselas. The indirect object pronoun "les" changes to "se" and comes first in the sentence.
6. Organizarlas. The direct object pronoun "las" comes in place of parties because "fiestas" is a femenine noun.