The three-fifths clause in the U.S. Constitution:a. requires that all revenue bills receive a three-fifths affirmative vote in the U.S. House.b. gave the white South greater power in national affairs than the size of its free population warranted.c. explicitly declared that slaves were not fully human and were therefore undeserving of legal rights.d. made it easier to amend the Constitution than it had been to amend the Articles of Confederation.e. expired in the year 1808 because of a key sectional compromise at the Constitutional Convention.

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Gave the white south higher power in national affairs than the size of its free population warranted


This rule for checking slaves is regularly misjudged. At the point when the Constitutional Convention discussed the issue of how to check community for the motivations behind portrayal, the Southern representatives to the Convention would have been satisfied if “nonvoting slaves” had been considered full people. That way, the Southern states would have had a more prominent portrayal in the Representatives of the House.  

The three-fifths standard doesn't straightforwardly influence case today, yet it affects how researchers translate the allocation necessity for direct expenses.