Respuesta :
coman / estudiemos / mire / lean / escribieras / pase
Since every sentence in this text is in subjunctive, I'm gonna write a little bit about it first. Subjuntivo is one of the three moods in Spanish, the other two are imperative and indicative. It is used to express desires, doubts, the unknown, wishes, emotions and the abstract.
It includes many same verb tenses, such as the indicative mood, the perfect, the past and the future. It's barely used in Spanish language, but it's quite important to know to use it for literature.
-- Es bueno que ustedes coman frutas, verduras y yogures.
It's good for you to eat fruits, vegetables and yoghurts.
In this sentence, we are expressing and indicating the good impact of eating those sorts of food. It expresses our emotions towards this certain topic. Because of that, as I wrote earlier, we are gonna use subjunctive.
In this sentence, it's in the third person's plural, and it's in the present.
The verb we used here is comer, which means to eat, and it's a regular verb that belongs to the second group of verbs, ending in ER.
-- Es importante que Laura y yo estudiemos para el examen de física.
It's important that Laura and I study for the physics test.
In this sentence, we are indicating the importance of a certain action that's occurring. In this case, it's studying.
The verb we used here is estudiar, it belongs to the first group of verbs, ending in AR. It's in first person's plural, in the present, in subjunctive mood.
-- Es urgente que el doctor te mire la rodilla y la pierna.
It's urgent that the doctor see your knee and your leg.
In this sentence, we are expressing our opinion about something, and that's why we are going to use subjunctive, as well.
The verb we have here is mirar, it's a regular verb that belongs to the first group of verbs, as it ends in AR.
It's in the third person's singular form, and it's in a subjunctive mood.
-- Es malo que los niños no lean mucho de pequeños.
It's bad that kids don't read a lot when they are little.
Also, in this example we are expressing our emotion towards a certain topic, which is in this case, how we feel about kids reading or not reading when they are little. We have a verb leer, which is a regular verb in the preterite. The only exceptions are that it changes in the third person singular form ( él, ella, usted ) and in plurals ( ellos, ellas, ustedes ) where we add an - I to -Y shift. Other than that, it's completely regular in the imperfect.
In this case, it's in the third person plural form, subjunctive mood.
-- Es mejor que tu les escribieras un mensaje antes de llamarlos.
It's better that you write the message after you call them.
In this case we are suggesting something and we have a certain opinion and emotion towards a certain topic.
The verb we used here is escribir, it's a regular verb that belongs to the third group of verbs, as it ends in IR.
It's in the second person singular form, in a subjunctive mood.
-- Es necesario que yo pase por la casa de Mario por la mañana.
It's important that I pass by Mario's house in the morning.
In this example, we are pointing the importance of this situation and our wish for something to happen/occur.
We used the verb pasar, which means to pass or to happen.
It's a regular verb that ends in AR, so it belongs to the first group of verbs.
In this sentence, we used the present simple. It's in the first person singular form, and the mood is, as expected, subjunctive.