What information about ancient India have scholars learned from the Vedas? Do you think the Vedas are a reliable source of information? Why or why not? Can someone give me a simple answer ..?

Respuesta :

In ancient Indian context, the Vedas are the oldest and very affected religious texts. These four Vedas are Rig-Veda, Sama-Veda, Yajur-Veda, and Atharva-Veda. According to the Hindu mythology, these Vedas are the source of religious knowledge of the Aryans who attacked India in about 1600 B.C.

Historians considered Vedas as an essential source of information because they assisted in studying the classical civilizations of India and the nature of the administrations and also helped in understanding administration.

Vedas cannot be considered authentic according to my knowledge because the actual origin of the Vedas is hidden. They are written by the earliest Brahmins and they considered themselves are correct while writing these texts.


Due to the fragility of the material on which the Vedas were recorded (for this, tree bark or palm leaves were used), the age of manuscripts that have reached us does not exceed several hundred years. The oldest Rig Veda manuscripts refer to the 11th century. Being cultural, historical and linguistic monument of great value, the Vedas consolidate several periods of development of ancient Indian culture and thought - from a primitive semi-nomadic life to a developed urban, from a cult of ancestors, tribal deities and natural phenomena to complex symbolism of the ritual, from a healer spell to highly artistic symbolism of nature and dramatic dialogues. From the historical and literary point of view, Vedas are important, on the one hand, as a monument to the most ancient poetic and prosaic forms of Indian literature, and on the other, as one of the most ancient monuments of Aryan literature, as valuable material for comparisons in a comparative study of world literature.

Из-за недолговечности материала, на котором записывались Веды (для этого использовалась древесная кора или пальмовые листы), возраст дошедших до нас манускриптов не превышает нескольких сотен лет. Древнейшие манускрипты "Риг-веды" датируются 11 веком. Культурно-исторический и языковый памятник огромной ценности, Веды закрепляют несколько периодов развития древнеиндийской культуры и мысли -- от примитивного полукочевого быта до развитого городского, от культа предков, племенных божеств и явлений природы до сложной символики ритуала, от знахарского заклинания до высокохудожественной символики природы и драматических диалогов. С историко-литературной точки зрения В. важны, с одной стороны, как памятник древнейших стихотворных и прозаических форм индийской литературы, с другой -- как один из древнейших памятников арийской литературы, как ценный материал для сопоставлений при сравнительном изучении мировой литературы.
