Respuesta :
1) The correct answer is c), 350 to 750 nanometers.
Visible light -- a small spectrum that has a huge range of electromagnetic radiation. That region consists of spectrum which consists wavelengths and they range approximately 350 to 750 nanometers.
What is defined as a condition in which an individual can recognize details in faces but cannot recognize faces as whole?
The correct answer is c) prosopagnosia.
2) Prosopagnosia or face blindness is a condition that is categorized as a cognitive disorder. It is when a person can't recognize a face that is familiar to them or sometimes even a person can't recognize oneself. When it comes to other aspects of one's personality and cognitive functions or visualization of objects, they remain the same.
3) Audition is to sound waves as olfaction is to...
The correct answer is d) Airborne chemicals.
Airborne chemicals are the chemicals that are released into the air due to explosions and dangerous gases. This type of pollution is tightly connected with olfactory nerve. Some of the evidence from the researches says that in human epidemiologic and pathologic studies increase of exposure to air pollutants is very associated with bad function of olfaction.
4) The otolith organs are vestibular organs that detect rotary movements of the head in any direction.
The correct answer is a) True.
Those types of organs are crucial for coordinating the position of one's head and the movement of their eyes. They are a response to the rotational movements and changes of head's position. They are related to cerebellum and reflex of the spinal cord as well as brainstem.
5) Which of the following is not a pictorial cue to portray depth?
The correct answer is c) Size constancy.
Size and shape constancy depend on distance of perception.
Doesn't matter where the object is positioned, its shape is always recognized the same. That's the actual shape of an object. It looks like it's changing, its size and distance, but it's actually the same.
6) Which of the following is located in inner ear?
The correct answer is a) Cochlea.
It is located in inner ear, in the temporal bone and it helps when it comes to hearing. It has the shape of a snail. It produces nerve impulses in a vibrating sound.
7) Place Theory for auditory perception states that the basilar membrane vibrates as a whole in direct proportion to the frequency of the sound waves striking the eardrum.
The correct answer is b) False.
8) What is a pheromone secreted many human males that has been associated with improved moods in human females?
The correct answer is d) Progesterone.
Progesterone is a female hormone that’s secreted by the female’s system of reproduction. It functions to regulate the condition of uterus. An egg that’s being fertilized becomes implanted in the uterus and then it forms a placenta. The placenta produces progesterone.
9) Which type of neuronal fiber carries dull or burning pain signals?
The correct answer is b) C fibers.
By definition, C nerve fibers is a class of nerves that’s found in the nerves of the sensory system. They are unmyelinated and have a low conduction velocity. Damage and injure cause nerve fibers a huge pain.
10) Weber's law states that:
The correct answer is d) the amount of change in stimulation needed to produce a just-noticeable difference in constant proportion of the original stimulus.
By definition, it is a concept that a just-notifiable difference in stimulus is equally proportional to the magnitude of the original stimulus. It explains why we don’t notice some lights in the day time. It is a kind of law that describes type of nature, and it explains facts and events that are occurring in the nature.