Write the definition of a class Player containing:
An instance variable name of type String, initialized to the empty String.
An instance variable score of type int, initialized to zero. A method called setName that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable name.
A method called setScore that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable score.
A method called getName that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable name.
A method called getScore that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable score.
No constructor need be defined.

Respuesta :



The following program in c++  language:

#include <iostream>    //Header file

using namespace std; //using Nmaespace

class Player         //define a class "Player"


public:                // access modifier

string name = "";    // declare string type variable "name" and initialize non

int score = 0;         //  declare integer type variable "score" and initialize 0

void setName(string name1) //define a function "setName()" which has an argument


name = name1;


void setScore (int score1)        // define a function "setScore()" which has one argument


score = score1;  


string getName ()          // define a function "getName()" which shows output


return name;


int getScore ()      // define a function "getScore()"


return score; // returning the score



int main ()   //  main function


Player p1;          // create  a class object "p1"

p1.setName ("aaa"); // calling method setName

p1.setScore (150); // calling method setScore

cout <<"Name ="  <<p1.getName ()<<endl;

cout<<"score ="<<p1.getScore ()<<endl;



Name = aaa

score = 150


Firstly, we have defined a class named "Player" and then declare two variables first one is string type i.e, "name" which is initialize to null and second one is integer type i.e, "score" which is  initialize 0 then after that we have defined two functions first one is "setName()" and second one is "setScore()" for initializing the value after that we again declare two functions for returning the value of  "name" and "score" which is "getName()" and "getScore()".

finally  we call these method in a main() function.