Respuesta :


The root is:



Use this script in Matlab:


function  [c, err, yc] = bisect (f, a, b, delta)

% f the function introduce as n anonymous function

%       - a y b are the initial and the final value respectively

%       - delta is the tolerance or error.

%           - c is the root

%       - yc = f(c)

%        - err is the stimated error for  c

ya = feval(f, a);

yb = feval(f, b);

if  ya*yb > 0, return, end

max1 = 1 + round((log(b-a) - log(delta)) / log(2));

for  k = 1:max1

c = (a + b) / 2;

yc = feval(f, c);

if  yc == 0

 a = c;

 b = c;

elseif  yb*yc > 0

 b = c;

 yb = yc;


 a = c;

 ya = yc;


if  b-a < delta, break, end


c = (a + b) / 2;

err = abs(b - a);

yc = feval(f, c);


Enter the function in matlab like this:

f= @(x) 0.005*(exp(2*x)*cos(x))

You should get this result:

f =

 function_handle with value:


Now run the code like this:

[c, err, yc] = bisect (f, 1, 2, 1e-10)

You should get this result:

c =


err =


yc =


In addition, you can use the plot function to verify your results:


grid on

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