A long time ago, sailors recognized the lack of wind in the ITCZ and dubbed the region the"doldrums". What other situations can you think of where sailors made discoveries that are now justified by modern science?

Respuesta :


"Doldrums" also called as he Horse latitude.


  • The equator is generally considered as the region of calm later on it was called the ITCZ. Now its called the doldrums as the belt of the equator which houses the Hadley cells.
  • This is marked by the zero degrees latitude and this zone is the zone of mixing of atmospheric trade winds, earlier times sailors who came at this place along with their ships and horses but had to experience long-lasting high velocity prevailing winds at an altitude of 30, 40, 50, 60 degrees.
  • So they named these winds on these altitudes as the forties, screaming sixties filtering fifties. These winds were so strong that their ships used to get drowned with horses in these latitudes. These were the discoveries made by the sailors.