As the temperature inversion occurs around this zone
Troposphere The lowest layer of atmosphere found on the surface of the earth from 0 to 30 kilometers it's wider in equator i.e 18 km and narrows at poles till 6-8 km only. At this layer, 90 % of all convective activity takes place, turbulence and cloud formation like stuff.
Consists of 80% of water vapor and dust particles. In troposphere the temperature in the air decrease with gain in height with a height of an overall positive lapse rate of 6.5 degrees C / km. The onset of tropopause the region where mixing stops and temperature remains constant and extends up to a layer of 11 to 20 kilometers.
However, lapse rate variation sometimes occurs in between this sphere and affects the altitude of the tropopause. The seasonal effect is strongest at the mid-latitudes and varies with changes latitudes.