If extinction is a natural process (i.e., extinctions have occurred long before the arrival of humans on earth), why are many scientists so concerned about extinction rates today? Use your critical thinking skills in responding.
Extinction that occur on very fast rate are due artificial mean is a critically dangerous for the survival of mankind.
Extinction is a natural process that has long occurred since the dawn of mankind they have doubled and more than 99 species to over five billion have been died out. Most of the species in the world are facing a fast mass extinction rate.
With the decline of genetic and species diversity, more and more governments are concerned with the rising trends that cause their extinction such as habitat loss, pollution, and invasion of other species.
Rise in competition among species for there survival and coexistence has been a major concern as the species entre the biomagnification on land and water outbreak of diseases and problems related to the commercial and industrial uses have decreased the productivity of ecology.
Thus scientists are often worried about the rising global temperature and impact the climatic variables have on various species.