Answer with Explanation:
i) Boundary layer thickness: It is the thickness of the boundary layer formed around an object that is placed in the path of a flowing viscous fluid.The boundary layer thickness is the thickness up to which the effect of the object on the flow can be felt. When a viscous flowing fluid encounters an object in it's path of flow, the flowing fluid forms a thin layer of fluid over the object and this layer of fluid is known as boundary layer. This is a phenomenon only observed in the viscous fluids. As shown in the below figure a uniform flow of a viscous fluid encounters a plate, as we can see the thickness of the boundary layer goes on increasing as we move away from the leading edge of the plate the thickness of the boundary layer at any position is termed as boundary layer thickness.
ii) Boundary layer transition: It is the transition of the flow from a laminar nature to fully developed turbulent flow as it moves over an object. It occurs due to change in the Reynolds number of the flow as the effect of boundary layer increases as we move away from the leading edge of the object.